This is our first foray into the blogging world. We have talked about doing one for a couple of months due to all the changes in our lives. So, here we go! As you can see the girls are having lots of fun.
We have recently left suburbia for the country. It has been a wonderful adventure so far. We miss our family and friends, but God has been gracious to us and given us a new church home and new friends for us all.
In addition to moving, we have decided to home school our girls this year. That has been the biggest challenge for me. There is so much I want to teach the girls and so little time to do it in. I am still trying to get organized. The other day J. called me and asked me to call someone else for him a get him a phone #. It was probably the first time I said, "Sorry, I can't. I have to go to work now!" He was speechless!
On top of that my washing machine has been broken since we moved. I have been so busy it took me 3 weeks to get around to calling the repairman! Glad to say it is all working well now and I am almost caught up. By the way, here's a little tip for you. When you move make sure you have these important things called "shipping bolts" if you own a front loaded machine. They keep the basket in place and keep it from breaking while moving. I have moved several times and never knew these things existed. $200 later I am given this great piece of advice. The repairman said the original instructions say to discard after removal. Wonder why I had this problem? I never owned them in the first place! So, maybe I can at least save ya'll some money.
Have a great day! God bless!