Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today my heart is breaking.

Today my heart is breaking.  It has been such a hard day.  I feel scared and overwhelmed and angry.  I want to do more than I already am... I just don't know what that is.  Last Wednesday as I celebrated my birthday and enjoyed a day of shopping with my girls, children on the other side of the world were forced to do unspeakable acts of evil.  Evil became a very real presence in their lives, and they will be forever altered.  Though  I say unspeakable we have a responsibility to speak up on their behalf.  If we don't tell their story, who will?

Tonight, with tears flowing I told their story to my Bible study.  It was hard, it was uncomfortable, it almost felt awkward speaking about it, but I had to.  God pressed it on my heart and wouldn't let me go.

James 1:26 says this, :Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  These children were made orphans in an instant by the evil acts of others.  It is up to us to find a way to care for them.  We have to let them know that they have a Father in heaven that loves them and cares for them.  We have to show them the Father's love.

Please read their story here. Pray for these children, and ask God what he would have you do.

I will leave you with this video.  I heard this on my way to Bible study tonight.  Just another way of God confirming that I need to speak up and not remain silent.

Lord, break my heart with what breaks yours.




  1. My heart breaks for these children too and all the others that have been subjected to such unspeakable acts. I wish I could do more too. If we could afford it we would adopt and like you still feel like we wanted to do more. I will share this story and pray. One day these things will end because our Christ is victorious!

  2. For too many years I didn't want to think about such things, and since they were taking place on the other side of the world I would turn away or change the channel and try to convince myself that there was nothing I could do ... not really ... not from so far away ......
    ---Oh Lord, please forgive me!---
    Thank you, Lord, that you did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made yourself nothing, taking the form of a servant and being found in human form you humbled yourself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
    Thank you, Lord, for not leaving me a world away to die in my miserable, sinful state! Thank you for stepping into this world and saving me!
    Lord, may I spend myself wholly to the end that your name would be made great in all the earth.
    Please conform my heart to be like yours!
